Camanche Elementary Newsletter
December 5, 2024
Reminder that our school policy states that ALL students go outside for recess unless they have a note from their family physician stating a need for them to remain indoors, or if the temperature (actual or wind chill) is less than TEN DEGREES.
With cold and snowy weather comes the possibility of late starts, early outs, and school cancellations. Please make sure that your phone numbers are up to date in your Family Portal to be sure that you receive the texted and recorded all-district messages sent from Mr. Shaffer when necessary.
Students should come to school each day dressed for that day’s weather. Please take a moment to make sure that your child’s name is written on all of their outerwear. Students are required to have snow boots and snow pants in order to go off the blacktop area and play in the snow.
If you are unable to provide your child(ren) with the needed outerwear, please contact Janeen Reuter, the district Family Resource Coordinator at 563-259-3016. All information is kept strictly confidential.
The Camanche School District will have a one-hour early dismissal on Friday, December 20th. Camanche Elementary will be dismissing at 2:08/2:15.
Camanche Elementary classrooms will have their winter parties on Friday, December 20th. Our PTA has GENEROUSLY offered to pay for all of the classrooms’ drinks and snacks for this party! THANK YOU PTA!
Club Choice Fundraiser pick up will be Wednesday, December 18th from 3:30 – 5:30 in the CES gym. Orders CANNOT be sent home with the students.
The CES Holiday Shop is THIS SATURDAY, December 7th from 10:00a.m. – 2:00p.m. in the CES cafeteria. Items priced $1 - $15 will be available for CES students to shop for their family members. Students are able to decorate their own bags for wrapping and light refreshments will be available.
Current PTA members are Jessica Volz, Angel Spence, Alie Tucker, Sarah Oldsen, Emileigh and Matt Schumacher, Amber Jahns, Misti Wilkening, Erin Bickford, Corie Kooi, Aimee Dohse, and Erin Ohsann. Two members will be leaving at the end of this school year. If you have been interested in joining, now is the time! We can be contacted through our Camanche Elementary Facebook Messenger and GO STORM!
“Each one of us is unique, but when we come together our school is complete” It’s important to teach our children that without diversity, the world would lack excitement and variety. Everyone is important and has something to offer the world. For children to truly accept differences in their peers, they must develop an attitude of openness and respect for each other. You can easily instill this in children by celebrating differences and being conscious of your own words and actions, monitoring media consumption and teaching good social skills. Encourage the positive aspects of similarities and differences on a daily basis.
Be willing to answer your child’s questions about differences they notice in others, and encourage them to ask you questions. You can also create opportunities for your children to play and work with others who are different. As your children become aware of diversity, they may ask specific questions about the differences or disabilities of their peers. These questions should not be discouraged but should be discussed and explored. For more information visit:
Here are some videos to watch together:
Dec 7th PTA Holiday Shop – 10:00a.m. – 2:00p.m. in the CES Cafeteria
Dec 12th Music Program – Kindergarten – 1:00 & 5:30
Dec 12th Music Program – 1st Grade – 1:30 & 6:30
Dec 12th Music Program – 4th Grade – 2:00 & 7:30
Dec 16th Music Program – 2nd Grade – 1:30 & 5:30
Dec 16th Music Program – 3rd Grade – 2:00 & 6:30
Dec 18th PTA Fundraiser Pick Up 3:30 – 5:30p.m. in the CES Gym
Dec 20th 2:15 p.m. Early Dismissal
Dec 23rd – Jan 3rd NO SCHOOL – Winter Break
Jan 6th Classes Resume – Pajama Day!
Yours in education,
Aimee Dohse – Principal