January 21st begins Semester 2
8th graders please know your 1st and 2nd hour class. We will have schedules waiting for you 3rd hour in your literacy class.
Lunch Line Up Schedule for the week of January 13-17
8th Grade line up first/7h Grade go to the Art Room
5th Grade line up first/6th Grade go to the Art Room
Middle School Sporting Events
Jan. 16-Boys Basketball (Cascade) 4pm
Jan. 20-Girls Wrestling (Maquoketa) 4pm
Jan. 23-Boys Basketball (Home) 4pm
Open and Closed Study Hall January 13-17
Monday and Thursday- 7th go to gym/8th go to cafeteria
Tuesday and Friday- 8th go to gym/7th go to cafeteria
Closed study hall goes to Mrs. Bezdek.
DC Trip Meeting
Tomorrow, January 14th at 7:35am in the library.
Basketball Cheerleading
Boys basketball cheerleading starts January 13th at 3:30pm in Mrs. Stutting’s room.
Singing Valentines Tuesday, February 11th!!!!!!
Valentines are on sale now for $5.00. Send your friends, loved one, favorite teacher, staff member, etc. a song and cookie! Order now through February 5th. Forms are on the activity rack. Turn your form and money in to the office.
High School Softball Meeting
Any girls interested in going out for High School softball this summer need to attend the softball meeting this Wednesday, January 15th at 1:45pm in room 643 (Mrs. Sheppard’s room)
Camanche Middle School Swim team
Camanche Middle School swimming begins on January 17 at Clinton Middle School 3:45pm. We will pass out warmups then. On January 21 we begin in the water at 3:45 at Clinton High School! Contact if you have any questions!