
April 11, 2022

Any student leaving during the day due to a doctor appointment, dental appointment or illness MUST have a parent call by 9:00 am and check out in the office before leaving.  Failure to check out of the building or report back into the building properly from an appointment or coming in late will result in an unexcused absence.

The Camanche High School Fine Arts proudly presents…

“Seussical” in the Camanche High School Theatre

Dates: Fri., April 22 & Sat., April 23, 2022 at 7:00 pm; Sun., April 24, 2022 at 2:00 pm

Ticket prices: $7.00 for students & senior citizens and $10.00 for adults     

­Graduation Delivery – Jostens will be in the Commons on Wed., April 27 from 10:00 am – 12:30 pm to deliver graduation items and caps/gowns.  Please note that all orders must be paid in full in order to pick them up.  Jostens only accepts cash or money orders on delivery day.  If you have any questions or want to pay off your balance by credit card, please call 1-800-JOSTENS (1-800-567-8367).

 Yearbook Last Call – High School 2022 yearbooks are on sale from Mrs. Sheppard or any yearbook staff for $55.00.  The deadline to order a yearbook is Mon., April 25.

Balances Due – Thank you to all of the families that are keeping your students’ lunch accounts in good standing even as we are currently able to offer free breakfasts and lunches to all students.  If your lunch account currently has a negative balance, please remember that a la carte items are not free.  It may also be due a negative balance that carried over from last year. Please make every effort to pay any outstanding balance as soon as possible.  If you have any questions regarding your lunch account balance, please call Taryn at 563-259-3000, ext. 5004 or email Thank you!

Activity Passes – Student = $30.00; Adult = $60.00; Family = $125.00. There will be a $2.00 replacement fee charged for lost passes.

Student ID/Lunch Cards – There will be a $2.00 fee charged for lost cards.

Activities Schedule:

Apr. 11 – G Golf Meet (V) vs. Bellevue @ Bellevue Golf Club, 4:00 pm

                B Golf Meet (V) vs. Bellevue @ Valley Oaks Golf Club, 4:00 pm

                G Tennis Meet (V) vs. Davenport North @ Davenport North HS, 4:00 pm

                B Tennis Meet (V) vs. Davenport North @ Camanche HS, 4:00 pm

 Apr. 12 – G Golf Meet (V) vs. Cascade @ Fillmore Fairways Golf Course, 4:00 pm

                        (Rescheduled from 3/28/22)

                G/B Track Meet (V) vs. Multiple Schools @ Lisbon HS, 4:30 pm

 Apr. 13 – G Tennis Meet (V) vs. Davenport Assumption @ Camanche HS, 4:00 pm

                B Tennis Meet (V) vs. Davenport Assumption @ Davenport Assumption HS, 4:00 pm

                        (Both meets rescheduled from 3/31/22)

Apr. 14 – B Golf Invitational (V) vs. Multiple Schools @ Plum River Golf Course-Preston, 9:00                          am

                G Golf Meet (V) vs. Clinton @ Valley Oaks Golf Club, 4:00 pm

                G Tennis Meet (V) vs. Maquoketa @ Maquoketa HS, 4:00 pm

Apr. 16 – G/B Track Meet (V) vs. Multiple Schools @ Iowa City West HS, 10:30 am

                        (2022 Eastern Iowa Track & Field Festival)

Dates to Remember:

Apr. 15 – Good Friday (NO SCHOOL)

Apr. 22-24 – HS Play (Seussical)

Apr. 27 – Graduation Delivery from Jostens – 10:00 am-12:30 pm

May 11 – Prom – 8:00 pm-11:00 pm