Camanche Middle School Announcements
August 15, 2022
Monday, August 22nd, 6-7PM
5th graders and new families are encouraged to arrive at 5PM for an introduction in the Middle School gymnasium.
Lunch Cards
If you have your old lunch card, please bring it to school for lunch. New cards will not be issued till after picture day. If you do not have your card, just try to know your lunch number. If you do not know your number, we have it in the office for you. If you are a new family, we will also supply you with that number on the first day. Thank you to all students in helping the lunch line go smoothly and quickly.
Middle School Football
Coach Bloome will be around on Load Your Locker Night to meet with MS football students. Also, all football players need to report to the locker room on the first day of school at the end of the day.
Cross Country
Cross Country practice has started. If you are interested, you are still able to join. See Miss E Montgomery or meet at the track at 3:30.
Fall picture day!!!!!
Friday, August 26, 2022
We will be using a new company this year and we are very excited!
Inter-state Studio is the name of the company.
All orders are online at INTER-STATE.COM/ORDER
use order code: 71670EB
Please watch for information to come home on the first day of school.
From the Middle School Library
Welcome back to the 2022-23 school year! I can't wait to see students in the library! We will again offer everyone an opportunity to borrow up to two library books at a time. Books can be borrowed for a two-week period, however, if you need more time, you may bring the book into the library for renewal. Many new books have been added to the collection, please come "check them out". (Pun intended) See you soon!
2021/2022 Yearbooks On Sale
If you did not get a yearbook last year, you are in luck!
We have extras available for purchase in the office for $20.00.
Vaccine Requirements for incoming 7th Graders
All Students entering 7th grade need proof of both a Tdap and MCV4 Meningitis vaccine prior to first day of school.
Vaccines are available at VNA by making an appointment
at 563-242-7165
If ever in doubt of the sporting schedule the best place to look is the River Valley Conference Website. That is where cancellations and changes will always be updated.
Go to Camanche csd, click on the Athletics,
Click on River Valley Conference website.
Future Dates
September 5-NO SCHOOL!!!
“Let us remember:
One book, one pen, one child and one teacher
can change the world.” Malala Yousafzal